Bollywood actress Vidya Balan and renowned social activist Anna hazare held on August 18 in New York to the Indian independence day parade has been invited to attend.
Organizing the parade commemorating the independence day of India. the streets of Manhattan it 43-year-old Federation of Indian Association (FIA) of New York and New Jersey conducted by the unit is 33, parade Grand Marshal ' lore as the "Balan. FIA President Sanjay Amin pointed out that other than Tamil film stars Sarath Kumar and Radhika's parade Marshal in Sarath Kumar actress port NI as Will be visible.
Sarath South Indian artists Association Chairman. Amin pointed out that the biggest outside India independence day parade parade. in India's former Army Chief General VK Singh and Antigua and Barbuda's Prime Minister baldwin Spencer is also included.
Organizing the parade commemorating the independence day of India. the streets of Manhattan it 43-year-old Federation of Indian Association (FIA) of New York and New Jersey conducted by the unit is 33, parade Grand Marshal ' lore as the "Balan. FIA President Sanjay Amin pointed out that other than Tamil film stars Sarath Kumar and Radhika's parade Marshal in Sarath Kumar actress port NI as Will be visible.
Sarath South Indian artists Association Chairman. Amin pointed out that the biggest outside India independence day parade parade. in India's former Army Chief General VK Singh and Antigua and Barbuda's Prime Minister baldwin Spencer is also included.