Former Army Chief touring and during the dispute between the age in 2012 force the Delhi Government was alarmed by the news traveled upâ. last days retired Lt Gen AK Chaudhry this shocking statement. on the other hand, the national security adviser has totally rejected, stating that the Government and army had some sort of distrust between he said the Government was no doubt.
An English newspaper in conversation with Lt Gen Chaudhry said that then something that was of course, that the Government was concerned although some of it was routine practice.
According to two of the army in January 2012 Chau unsaid part of Delhi were doing and traveled towards it upâ Government stirred in top leadership. He said Jan. 16 Hisar sailed toward detachment from Delhi was about 11 pm at night on January 19 I call from Office and soon was told Defense Secretary called me. I reported to Army Chief after it defense The Secretary was to meet Defense Secretary pointed out that the top leadership are coming together and they are extremely worried.
Chaudhry said that he asked me, tell me what's going on? I said that it is all over and I already practice and go to the other route said. "he told me that they will soon be asked to go back. I told them that they will be back and drill, in a way, they went back to practice.
An English newspaper in conversation with Lt Gen Chaudhry said that then something that was of course, that the Government was concerned although some of it was routine practice.
According to two of the army in January 2012 Chau unsaid part of Delhi were doing and traveled towards it upâ Government stirred in top leadership. He said Jan. 16 Hisar sailed toward detachment from Delhi was about 11 pm at night on January 19 I call from Office and soon was told Defense Secretary called me. I reported to Army Chief after it defense The Secretary was to meet Defense Secretary pointed out that the top leadership are coming together and they are extremely worried.
Chaudhry said that he asked me, tell me what's going on? I said that it is all over and I already practice and go to the other route said. "he told me that they will soon be asked to go back. I told them that they will be back and drill, in a way, they went back to practice.